Learn to Skate

at The Rinx in Hauppauge
Phone: 631-232-3222 ext. 209
Email: YeseniaG@therinx.com
Our philosophy is simple; our staff of experienced and qualified professionals, governed by Learn To Skate USA's top program, US Figure Skating, USA Hockey and Professional Skaters Association, will teach the fundamentals of ice skating with a major emphasis on FUN!
The Rinx is proud to offer quality programs for every skater,
whether young or young at heart,
beginner or champion,
we have a program for you.

Mission Statement: To provide a fun and positive experience that will instill a life long love of skating.
Learn To Skate and Specialty Classes include:
Only $149 for seven weeks.
Half hour of group instruction weekly
Learn To Skate USA evaluation, testing and badges
Learn To Skate USA Membership
Official Learn To Skate USA membership card
Learn To Skate USA record book with stickers
Official member patch
Membership year patch
Sports accident insurance
Class Description by Age
Ages 3 1/2 - 5 Yrs: Snowplow Sam 1-4 classes are for the very beginner to more experienced skater.
Ages 6-11 Yrs: Basic 1-6 classes are for the very beginner to more experienced skater.
Ages 12-17 Yrs: Teen Basic 1-6 classes are for the very beginner to more experienced skater and use the Basic 1-6 curriculum.
Ages 18 Yrs: Adult 1-6 classes are for adult skaters, from the very beginner to more experienced skater.
Pre Hockey 1-4 classes are for aspiring hockey players that have mastered Snowplow Sam 1, Basic 1 or are independent skaters.
Power Hockey classes are for aspiring hockey players that have mastered Pre Hockey 4.
Pre Free Skate - Free Skate 6 classes are for aspiring figure skaters that have mastered Basic 6.
Class Prerequisites
Skaters must enroll in the beginning level for their age or next level recommended by their current Rinx instructor on their evaluation. If you are joining us from another program, give us a call to determine the correct level.
Pre-Hockey 1 = must have mastered Snowplow Sam 1, Basic 1 or be an independent skater. Partial or full hockey equipment is recommended. Skaters will move to Pre-Hockey 2-4 based on instructor's evaluations and recommendations.
Intro to Synchro = must complete Basic 5 and be enrolled in Basic 6 group lessons or Specialty Classes or be recommended for class by Skating Director.
Intro to Ice Dance = must complete Pre Free Skate.
Important Class Information
REGISTRATION can be done online through your Rinx account. Registration usually begins two to three weeks prior to new series start date. Our classes fill quickly, so register as early as possible to reserve your spot in desired class. Town of Islip residents, emailing a current Town of Islip Recreation Card to AlyssaH@therinx.com will receive a $15 discount towards the cost of group lessons.
CLASS SIZE varies between age and skill level. Our preschool age classes (Snowplow Sam) are typically a six to one, student/teacher ratio. All other classes are typically ten to one, student/teacher ratio or smaller.
EQUIPMENT AND CLOTHING,WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND WEARING HELMETS AND GLOVES OR MITTENS. Warm, loose layers (not oversized or wide bottom pants), thin socks and well-fitted skates are best. Skate rental is available at an additional charge of $7.00 each time. If you choose to wear elbow or knee pads, please wear them under your clothing for your safety.
NO REFUNDS OR MAKE UP CLASSES. Payment in full is required to register for any class. There is a $25 charge for returned checks. There are no make up classes offered for holidays, vacations, sick days or inclement weather unless otherwise noted. In the event that classes need to be cancelled due to a severe weather emergency, notice will be posted on The Rinx website.
For more information call 631-232-3222 ext 209
Yearly Schedule
All of our skaters enrolled in classes will have a Learn to Skate USA account.
Email YeseniaG@therinx.com or AlyssaH@therinx.com if you do not have your LTS USA member number.
